I installed Varnish web acceleration on my dedicated server and everything is going great,
when I open forum the homepage it working well, but I cant open the forumdisplay page or any threat....
I got
HTTP Error 503 (Service Unavailable): The server is currently unable to handle the request. This code indicates this is a temporary condition, and the server will be up again after a delay.
the default port was changed from 80 to 82, I edited the file /include/class_core.php find on line 2003
// Get server port
$port = intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']);
$port = in_array($port, array(80, 443)) ? '' : ':' . $port;
I insert 82 port
the forum work fine when I add 82 port to the domain (
www.example.com:82/forum) otherwise did not work at all
the admincp work fine ....
what's the wrong or is there anything else I've to do ..!!