LOVE the hack! I have a problem and a couple of suggestions.
I have two different styles on my forum ( ), and when I installed the hack I made sure I updated the templates for both styles. However, the hack only seems to work on the style that I've selected. There are no karma lights under usernames, no karma button under the posts, and no karma score under the username on the front page.
I wanted to re-run the install to make sure that I read all the instructions right, but I realised that I might wipe all the karma given already by creating the database tables again! *gulp* I'm not great with php or mysql, so I don't wanna screw it up hehe.
Can anyone help?
More karma=more lights under the username. Let the admin set how many points = how many lights.
Apply the selected style to the karma rating box. It's just white at the moment. Also, I agree the text is too small and the box too big.
For some reason if i select positive karma and enter a comment, hitting enter resets the form rather than submitting it. It is habit for me to hit enter rather than click submit, so this is a bit annoying.
Have a list of preset comments that ppl can choose from if they cant be bothered writing a comment. The slashdot keywords (eg: Interesting, Toll, Funny, Flamebait, Informative, Redundant) might be a good start.
Show a karma rating for each post. We know the karma for the user, but not for their posts. Parhaps put it at the top next to where the post topic appears (if there is one).
I'd LOVE to be able to filter posts ala slashdot based on their karma.
Add a column to the memberlist page with their karma shown, and allow the list to be sorted by karma (as it can now be done with number of posts).
Allow a user to see all comments made to their posts, rather than having to go to each post. There could be a link in the user CP perhaps to a list of all comments, and the posts they're associated with. The karma for that post could also be listed there.
Ability for the admin to change the phrase in the popup box via the admin CP. I didn't like "Agree/Disagree" because that means something completely different from "good/bad" post. Someone might make a brilliantly written post that I don't agree with, but the wording would suggest that I should give them negative Karma. (I've hacked the adis file to change it on mine).
I like the previously mentioned idea of awarding karma for each referral. Would encourage more referrals.
Allow the admin to choose how much they give/take as extra on each post. Setting it in the CP is easy, but it means that all posts to be awarded must be awarded by the same ammount.
*phew* That's all I can think of for the moment. I hope I havn't been too demanding with these suggestions. I love the hack so far, and think that it can get even better. Use or ignore these as you see fit!
THANKS once again for the hack!