Version History
- 1.0
- First release on
- 2.0
- Plugin fixed
- You can change the text of the guest warn.
- You can set the height for the position of the warn in forum.
- You can set the width for the position of the warn in forum.
- Warn in all page of the forum when you aren't logged in .
- Most stable version.
- 2.5
- First release on
- You can choose the opacity from the admincp
- 2.6
- You can choose if the warn is closable
- You can choose if the warn wont reappears when a guest reload the page or it will
- 2.7
- You can choose the image for the "close" button
- You can choose the color of the warn
- You can choose the color of the text
- Added the phrase for "Close this warn"
- You can choose how many days the warn will be re-appears if a user close it
- Warn in all the pages (including the CMS)
- CSS Settings and Config Settings are now separated
- 2.8 Now you wont see the warn in the register page
- 2.8.5 Fixed some bugs and re-written the warn without grammatical errors (many thanks to OldSchoolDSL)
- 2.8.5 11/21/11 Just changed the version in the xml file
- 2.9.1
- Re-written the mod
- Now there isn't chaotic code and the the code is shorter and clearer
- The mod now uses a better way to edit templates
- Added the fadeOut JQuery effect, now it looks more elegant
- 2.9.2 Cached templates
- 3.0
- Improved javascript code
- Hidden to spiders
- Hidden in the login page
- Fixed templates group name
- Fixed some phrases
- Added the possibility to add a second message like "Thank you you take a good choice

You're being redirected to the register page in n seconds"
- Now the warn's message is a phrase, not an option (for multi-languages forum)
- 3.1
- Style settings are now stylevars
- Corrected grammatical errors of the message (thanks to Mark for his help)
- Less file's weight
- Fixed some errors in the phrases
- Removed anti-spam plugin that was spamming on install lol (I'm sorry for that)
- Work in progress: 3.1.1
- I'm working on a cool Parallax Scrolling effect on the warn which will surprise guests and attire their attention!
- Warn draggable around the page
- I'm looking for new feature request you can request your feature responding to this thread