I'm in California. I woke up at 7am like I normally did in order to get the kids up and off to school. They were happily eating breakfast so I came up to my computer to check some blog posts. I'm reading through my friends blog posts posts about some tower coming down and I'm going backwards and backwards in time through their blogs until I finally saw enough information to process what they were talking about. I'll admit that I freaked out at that point and yelled downstairs that they needed to turn on the TV. I could barely talk and certainly wasn't making sense as I tried to tell them why they needed to turn it on. Of course all the channels had pictures of what was going on. I just sat their stunned.
And then, I had to still get the kids ready to go to school and then go off to work myself.
(Of course I spent part of work on IM trying to contact my east coast friends and make sure they were OK. Luckily my friend who's husband worked at Morgan Stanley was in London that day. He was supposed to fly home that day but didn't actually make it home for another four days.)