Hi Paul, i might have a little question here, been using your plugin for over a year now and works like a charm, tho, i had to upload one of the b-up in my test site and when it finished, every words in french that had an accent ????^ got lost and replaced by "?" instead!
I looked into the setups from the language manager and they are set to ISO-8859-1, in MyPhpAdmin the charset are UTF-8 and collation Latin1_general_ci. Normally this setup shouldn't loose any of the special character but it does!
Now, i know that phpMyAdmin as updated and the options to export and import have kind of changed (they added more option to the fields) and since i'm not a top gun i wondered if you would have an idea about this!?!?
I also looked in the ACP option and the "Censorship Options" / "Blank Character Stripper" are still the same as originally " 160 173 u8205 u8204 u8237 u8238" .
So as far as it goes the only probable mistake i can find could be from the "collation_connection" and "collation_server" that are set to "latin1_swedish_ci" instead of "general_ci"!
But could this little difference make it all happen???
Thanks in advance Paul, i would appreciate some advice here
