i'm working on my vbulletin site, installed some mods, doing some customization...everything fine until now:
i was "playing" with the registration template, adding this hidden fields to the form:
<input type="hidden" name="timezoneoffset" value="1" />
that's because i removed the timezone option block...
then i wanted to add another hidden field concerning the dst options..i didn't found anything on the net, just the option to do that using a query (fixing the dst setting at once) but i wanted this to happen automatically, so i found this variable "dstonoff" in some vb threads (it was about vb3 but.. who knows..
and added (out of pure luck) this line:
<input type="hidden" name="dstonoff" value="true" />
from that point on i can't log in, as admin or as user, i'm only able to log in as a new user, but only once, if i log out and then log in again it says the name/password are wrong... doing the "new password by email" routine has no effect ...
i don't know if that modification has something to do with this mess..it's only a guess...
i just removed those lines editing directly the template in the database but i'm still stuck...
and.. how can this happen? it's only an early stage...there is some vb4 bugs i don't know about?
please help me, i spent many days working on that, and i was about to run the first "official" test before publishing...
thanks to everyone