That seems to be the most common method, at least, from what I've seen. Thing is, I'm not sure if folks are using vB core and modifying it, or if they're using something else, like Joomla or another CMS (since a lot of them do more than vB styles). I don't want to make things harder on myself than they need to be, but, I'm willing to go the extra mile if it's more efficient in the long run.
What I've seen so far seems to pretty much be a basic shopping cart. But what steps are they taking to ensure the use of the license, if any? Ideally, I'd like to do something like vBulletin does with the members area and their licensing restrictions. But, I don't really know how far you can go with enforcing licensing restrictions on a style. I mean, I've seen some of extremePixels stuff bootlegged before, and I wonder if there's not really much you can do to prevent pirating when it comes to styles. I know the couple of skins I made here were on a half dozen different websites within a week of posting.