Hi guys !
the new editor makes me weird p-p
I tried to find the option to adjust it to my new template.
1st part
i found this page:
But, i dont want the buttons to have one plane color.... i want the normnal buttons with this shape, but only darker and light symbols.
so instead of background:#XXX, oder Background-color:#XXX i tried to use a url....didnt work.
Then I tiried to replace the sprite.png with another url.... didn?t work at all.
i replaced the sprite.png - it worked.
But its a kinda "problamatic" texture.
here you go:
where or better which part of the picturer i have to adjust the way i want it to be, and do the other parts belong to ? can someone explane it ?
the next question,
2nd part
the quick-edit-editor is quite tidy, 1 row etc. ..but the normal "new thread"-editor p-p"
is there a possipility to sort them from 3 to 2 rows, deactivate some tools and such ? where can 1 do this ?
So I hope someone can help me ^_^