Originally Posted by Mooff
Thanks, I installed. My new trouble is the last instruction:
in order to use the sprites, you then will have to edit some templates. The diffs (xou will find it in the do_not_upload folder show which parts you have to delete '<' and which parts to add '>' In addition, on top find the lines in which you will find the respective code.
As this instruction I opened file TEMPLATE_CHANGES.diff and saw the code:
## Version 0.7.1 ##
Template: search_threadbit
< <li class="imodselector threadbit {vb:if !$thread['del_username'], $thread['statusstring']}" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}" title="{vb:raw thread.preview}">
> <li class="sprite_statusicon_thread_30 imodselector threadbit {vb:if !$thread['del_username'], $thread['statusstring']}" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}" title="{vb:raw thread.preview}">
Template: threadbit_deleted
< <li class="threadbit deleted<vb:if condition="$show['paperclip']"> attachments</vb:if><vb:if condition="!$thread['postuserid']"> guest</vb:if><vb:if condition="$thread['moderatedprefix']"> unapproved</vb:if>" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}">
> <li class="sprite_statusicon_thread_30 threadbit deleted<vb:if condition="$show['paperclip']"> attachments</vb:if><vb:if condition="!$thread['postuserid']"> guest</vb:if><vb:if condition="$thread['moderatedprefix']"> unapproved</vb:if>" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}">
What I have to do next? The code only for ver.0.7.1???? and how about the code from ver.0.5 to ver.0.7??? ignore them??
Srr for my noob