Great to see you too.

Big thanks for the donation.
Can you link me to your site where the sliders are installed?
As a guess i would say you are using the same folder for both sliders and therefore it does overwrite the pictures. Can you confirm that the captions and descriptions are correct and the images are not?
If that is the case i have two solutions for you:
a) use different folders
b) use this (browser cache issue) fix:
I don't see a page load slowdown on our site. Since we are into page speed a lot (see the sprite addon) i'm very curious where that problem might come from. If it really is the nivo slider framework we will switch the engine. But as of right now i can't reproduce that behaviour and in addition the nivo slider is used a lot on the internet, so i would assume their support forum beeing flooded if it does affect loading times.
Please check the last FAQ question and send me the debug.
you need to have the suite and cms active, then in the acp it's in the cms->widget->new_widget section