ok... maybe i missed something but i tried to have two instances of the slider
(nb. as you told me in my previuos help request i changed the part of code about the selection.. i jut need articles by date)
so 1) i create a second widget 2) edited the widget (changes also the the DIV id, the .css path and also doubled the .js file trying to have 2 indipendent things)
at this point everything was fine, i had 2 sliders on the same page, each with a different .css customization
but obviously i wanted them to be linked to 2 different CMS sections, so i added the code AND.. to the SELECT, and the correct section ids and ...
that didn't wok, it seems some kind of conflict issue (if i remove one slider the other works correctly) ..
the problem is: the second slider (say they are in the navbar, so the first on the top with section'a' set and the second right under with the section 'b') get "confused" mixing the articles of the sections a and b (precisely:it shows the only article of section 'a' and the first one of section 'b' which has 2 articles).. i think could be related to the result of the first SELECT, maybe if it possibile to have the second select starting from zero.. i event ried to rename all the variables but the result is still the same
any help?
thanks for your support