Yes, Pretty Much you got it right, I am concerned however of editing the register.php file to achieve this, as for the hooks, applying them with checks is the best bet, but I am finding out a way to implement these as easily as I could.
I dont want to let visitors choose usergroups on registration or hiding form elements to implement this.
My process will go something like:
User Arrives at a Sales Page for example like and part of the package they pay there is membership to my forum with a unique subforum for people who bought the product on my salespage.
It will be difficult to integrate my payout system for example that once they fill up info on my sales page, they will be also added to my forum, so I opted to have them re-register to the forum for separate database, and have them register to this unique page where they are automatically assigned to their usergroup.
That is why I am asking if there is an easier better way to handle what I need VB to do...