I looked through, but there is a LOT of content to sift through, and I was unable to find this:
In the readme_levels.txt, I see:
List of levels
vbexperience_level_1_small.xml - for small boards up to 3000 users
vbexperience_level_2_average.xml - for average boards with around 3000-6000 Members
vbexperience_level_3_big.xml - for boards which have more than 7000 members
vbexperience_level_4_huge.xml - if "big" is not big enough for you
vbexperience_level_5_very_large.xml - Huge is too small?
vbexperience_level_6_ultra.xml - Ultimate users and postings
vbexperience_level_7_crazy.xml - Very large big boards with much of content
vbexperience_level_70_WoW.xml - Levels made for a large World of Warcraft forum
My download only came with level_2, but I will need something larger - where do I download those XML files?