Hello, I followed the instructions to the dot and I still seem to have problems getting this mod to work. All Smilies are in the default smilies folder as it should be. One thing to mention though is, that most of the smilies were imported from phpBB earlier yesterday, but they seem to sit in the default smilies folder of vB. Also, I'm using the German Language Pack on my forum if that's any help in finding out what exactly isn't working.
vBulletin 4.1.5
I removed [/forums/]* from this line...
$bfind = '|<img src="[/forums/]*images/smilies/[\w -.]+" border="0" alt="" title="([\w !@$#%&*()+-=?<>\';:]+)" class="inlineimg" />|';
to make it...
$bfind = '|<img src="images/smilies/[\w -.]+" border="0" alt="" title="([\w !@$#%&*()+-=?<>\';:]+)" class="inlineimg" />|';
This kind of worked for one smiley which is a .png, all other gifs are small animated gifs or transparent gifs and they're still visible. Another information I missed to mention earlier is that my forum runs directly from the domain