Good Day Fellow VB users,
I am aware that there are plugins that could probably in one way or another handle what I want done by VBulletin, You could suggest resources and links I could learn how to do the feature I want or if there is an out of the box solution then it would be better.
So Here Goes:
I have set a subforum that is only accessible to an assigned usergroup with a name "Premium Users".
Now, I have this separate landing page that I am putting enticing visitors to become premium users on my forum. However there is a regular "Free" usergroup as well.
I will point visitors and "free" members to this landing page and allow the ff:
1. visitors and registered members already on the forum upgrade to the "premium" usergroup.
2. new members can directly register to the "premium" usergroup.
Thus I think if it can be done, I need the registration page to check where the user is coming from, so for example the landing page is located at then they are shown a registration page that automatically assigns new users to the "premium" usergroup.
Alternately if for example I create a new usergroup named "platinum" and the landing page is at is used to go the the registration page, then new users will be registered on the "platinum" usergroup.
Any Ideas?