Originally Posted by thecore762
I hear you had some issues editing stuff or posts and things didn't work out with Rocketloader on.
I think I might be mis-understanding the whole thing.
Also, did it take a while for it to propagate the DNS?
I had trouble with rocketloader.
I've done some extensive testing with cloudflare on my site and I know that some of the modifications on my site will not jive well with programs that try to minimize your javascript, css and html. This includes programs like vbOptimise and vBSupercharged. A lot of the options in those programs, including Rocketloader are not suited for multimedia sites like ours.
Here are my cloudflare settings:
Account Type: Pro
Basic Security Level: Low
Caching Level: Aggressive
Minimum Expire TTL: 4 Hours
Auto Minify: Off
Rocket Loader: Off
Challenge Passage TTL: 30 min
Advanced Security (Pro Feature): Off
Website Preloader (Pro Feature): On
Outbound Links Tracking: On
Email Address Obfuscation: On
Server Side Exclude: On
Always Online: On
IP Geolocation: On
Google Analytics: Yup!
Browser Integrity Check: On
Hotlink Protection: Off
Get your host to help you out with that DNS stuff.
All I know is that once you have cloudflare on, any site that you add to your domain will be covered. For example, when I added wordpress as my home page, cloudflare was automatically added. As long as your subdomain or domain address is
www.yoursite then you are good.
I'm not a coder or that technically literate but I know a couple tricks.
You only learn stuff by researching, asking questions and experimenting.
K now lets look at my Apps list.
Apture: On (Don't forget to tie your Amazon affliates ID to your apture account)
CDNJS: Modernizr Only
Google Analytics: On
Google Webmaster Tools: On
VigLinks: On
^^^All five you would normally have to put in the header/header include/footer of vBulletin.
You no longer have to with Cloudflare.
I got an email about the app Halieo. I'm considering activating it.
Everything but ONE thing I have activated (website preloader) is apart of their free service.
That is a monster of a deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you need to edit your forum, purge your cache and turn Development Mode ON and wait ten minutes, then edit.
Also, might as well give up on getting As across the board at webpagetest.org because webpagetest.org has algorithm problems with cloudflare activated. It's not totally accurate. Only test results you can depend on is the members of your site. They will personally tell you that the site is loading faster if you ask them.