Originally Posted by gOOvER
WOW, GREAT !!! Thank you. But i have a little Error at the Login. The Checkbox for "Stay logged in" is in the Password Field.
I got this with:
IE9, CHrom 15.x and Firefox 7
One question on that... CMS or Forum? I had issues w/ the login on the CMS... I tracked and tracked then tracked no more and simply did a work around so I'm curious which location that's displaying it in such a manner. Alternatively it could be your language causing the issue as I have that entire area set to a certain size - do me a favor and post a link to your site (or PM if you prefer) and I'll have a quick look and customize that just for your site and then include a alternate copy to use for your specific language

^ More than likely the fix will be tomorrow if not Wednesday at the latest, I'm out of spare time atm and I'm now on wifey time
