Originally Posted by basskiller
you have to realize that consequences far outweigh the right to know what the problem actually is/
Say he does mention what the exact exploit is.. This could leave possible thousands of boards out there that maybe haven't received the message about the quarantine, vulnerable to the exploit to many new people that now know what the exploit is. And by people, I mean guys that just want to cause truoble..
so is it better for them not to say and we just disable the mod.. wait for the fix, or let you know and possibly open a bunch of boards up to now a bunch of people that didn't know, but now do ???
the smart move is just disable and wait
This post is justification for no-info. Your point has not fallen on deaf ears though, likewise I hope mine hasn't.
My point is ==> people now know there's an exploit. You may as well publish the details, so that those of us who can take care of the issue ourselves may do so, instead of having to wait hours, days, weeks, months, never ((hopefully not)) for the modification author to release a fix.
As it is though - I've just received the quarantine email, which for all intents and purposes could have simply been a nice vBulletin-ized photo of a man in red cape flipping the middle finger = no use to anyone. Just a little trivial something that irks our nerves.
We may as well have hoped for a crystal ball in which to read the minds of those who know the exploit particulars....so that we may take action!
--------------- Added [DATE]1314661557[/DATE] at [TIME]1314661557[/TIME] ---------------
in other news ==> now would be as good as time as ever to do a complete site backup LOL... So off I go...