Started to put the basics in place last night whilst building another PC.
Got reasonably far with the function that will dump files on the docroot. Just subject to load testing for that.
Also built the query that will extract all posts for dumping... have been working on this to make sure it excludes private forums... need to install foxserv at home to test this on a test forum.
I think I shall have the back end fully over the evenings this week. The front end will be the thing that actually takes time, but I'm hoping that's just gonna be Saturday and not need more work. Problems stem from wanting to decrease server load by breaking the generation into managable amounts (monthly or by forum).
I'll let you know when I have something substantial, and then we can start a new thread here for discussion whilst it's improved.
I think it's realistic to say it should be ready as a Beta over this weekend, and that a Release version should follow next week once everyone is sure that it does what they want it to (though I'll not be including code to toast bread).
David K