Originally Posted by dypsisdean
No problem. Thanks again. Just keep up the good work. I feel guilty about all my questions, so I am compiling a .doc of wording/spelling that could be corrected regarding the English language. Do I remember reading something about someone else helping with phraseology? I would like to help if needed.
A few more questions please. I know, I ask a lot.
-Where do I find an ad's ID in order to place it in the marquee?
-I think I know the answer to this. But some users wish to give things away free or trade. But they have to enter a price greater than zero. Is there a way around this? - a way to allow "Free" or "Trade" in the price field?
-I still don't see any premium ads on my Front (First) Classified ad page. I see some when I click on an ad, but none on the First Page. What am I doing wrong?
the easiest way to find the id for marquee is to goto the product page and look at the URL it says itemid=xxx that is the number
i saw a setting for the price being greater to 0 i will have to find it again
in order for premium to work correctly the seller has to be set to a premium seller before the ad is posted once the ad is posted you being the admin can edit the item and check the box at bottom for premium ad than it should so up