Originally Posted by maineGuy72
No problem. Thanks again. Just keep up the good work. I feel guilty about all my questions, so I am compiling a .doc of wording/spelling that could be corrected regarding the English language. Do I remember reading something about someone else helping with phraseology? I would like to help if needed.
A few more questions please. I know, I ask a lot.
-Where do I find an ad's ID in order to place it in the marquee?
-I think I know the answer to this. But some users wish to give things away free or trade. But they have to enter a price greater than zero. Is there a way around this? - a way to allow "Free" or "Trade" in the price field?
-I still don't see any premium ads on my Front (First) Classified ad page. I see some when I click on an ad, but none on the First Page. What am I doing wrong?