Originally Posted by BWJ
I have found some phrases that are not translatable within the phrase manager:
1) Displaying rows x to x
(while browsing a category)
6) No records found
(in advanced search)
7) Reset Search
(in advanced search)
8) Browse Classifieds
(in advanced search)
You need to build a new language file for the datagrid. Get any file from microclassifieds/datagrid/languages and rename it. eg dk. When you finishe, upload it and then goto General Settings and set Grid Language: dk
Originally Posted by BWJ
2) This ad expires in x weeks, x days, x hours, xx minutes
(Viewing an ad = missing phrase for weeks, days, hours and minutes)
You must edit the follow part of the
function time_duration at microclassifieds/includes/
$periods = array (
'years' => 31556926,
'Months' => 2629743,
'weeks' => 604800,
'days' => 86400,
'hours' => 3600,
'minutes' => 60,
'seconds' => 1
ATTENTION: The words that you'll use must have the
first letter UNIQUE. "M" and "m" is ok, but "m" and "m" will cause problems.
Originally Posted by BWJ
3) Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat and Sun
Viewing an ad -> beneath 'Date posted'
Can't be changed. So remove "F" from the data long format at General settings.
Originally Posted by BWJ
4) Thanks for your vote
Viewing an ad -> after voting thumbs up/down
It's image

Originally Posted by BWJ
5) Classifieds
(the tab in user profile)
Plugins Manager (Just below of Product Manager). In the section for microCLASSIFIEDS (right side), you'll see 2 with the name Location (I forgot to change the name for the 2nd). Choose the one in the hook "member_complete". Around 15th line you'll see: $blockinfo['title'] = "Classifieds";