Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS
Don't say that. vB4 is very strange with styling. The screenshoot that you shown me about the carousel meant that the carousel as code was working. But it shown the photos as "<li>" which means one per line. That's why I asked you if you've uploaded the classifieds.css. At that file there is styling code which converts those "<li>" in that beautiful (I want to believe) carousel.
OK, I understand. But I hate taking anymore of your time. I know how much you've been working on this. But believe me it shows. I looked at one example classified site that posted a link earlier - a reptile site. The classifieds were super nice. I only wish I can get them like that. I'm sure I have done something dumb.
But yes, the classified.css was there. So I am assuming the software is supposed to take the old pics and convert them to the Carousel automatically? I'll play around some more with the default skin on and see if things continue to work OK. If not, then I will be back with more questions.
But one last one for now - please. What is the best way to re-upload everything, and starting over, without losing the ads that have already been placed?