Originally Posted by BWJ
5.1.2 removed the error message while sorting within a category. Problem now, is that if you push the arrow the sorting will collect information from all categories, like in advanced search.
Confirmed -
Fixed in 5.1.3
Originally Posted by BWJ
In the profile tab, there is no 'Post at' time for each classified
Confirmed -
Fixed in 5.1.3
Originally Posted by BWJ
In advanced search: The location drop down box doesn't follow the width of the letters. It cuts them and is too narrow. There doesn't seem to be the same problem with the other drop downs.
I'll make it longer -
Fixed in 5.1.3
Originally Posted by BWJ
Non-latin letters are not respected in the drop down of a 'seachable field' (created in admin) in sorting within advanced search . It will show them but it will not sort them. In stead it will write 'No records found'.
I can't duplicate it. I found them to be searchable ok, and ordering ok. Testing them with Greek I just foung an error in sorting (some letters are in wrong position), but this is a known global MySQL bug for ordering the Greek alphabet.
Originally Posted by BWJ
Furthermore I have found some more non translatable phrases. But I guess you prefer to get the primary bugs scrubbed first.
Which phrases?