Originally Posted by viper357
Well that's really strange, I tested it on the default style and it worked, so went back to my modified style and it was still working, I made no other changes whatsoever, really odd, oh well, it's working now, I don't know how or why, lol. Thanks for the help and for this mod.
Joe, pretty please Joe  , I noticed on your site that you give your users the option to switch off this hack in their usercp. Would you mind sharing how to do that? Thanks. 
Glad it's working.
Step 1- Make new user profile field, single selection radio box, options:
Step 2- Edit the
postbit_display_complete plugin. Change the 2nd Conditional to:
if (can_thank_this_post($post, $thread['isdeleted']) && !thanked_already($post) && $vbulletin->userinfo['field29'] != "No" && $post['userid'] != 0)
Step 3- Edit the
postbit_display_start plugin. Change the 1st Conditional to:
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['field29'] != "No" && !(defined('LOCATION_BYPASS')) && !(post_thanks_off($this->thread['forumid'], $this->post, $this->thread['firstpostid'], THIS_SCRIPT)))
Change "field29" in each to whatever field number is assigned to your custom profile filed... maybe field5 or field6, depends how many others you already have.
Note: Putting the "No" before the "Yes" and checking for "No" in the code is important so that it's active for everyone EXCEPT those who specifically opt-out of it.