Actually I asked there too... And received almost the same answers. FoA, thanks for yours.
Besides, I would prefer ask it here because I mind to create something like this forum skins:
now my forum has default (purple/gray) look'n'feel. I would add a second style/set/colorscheme/template - call it as prefer - and make the two (only two, by now...) selectable by a combo box,
exactly like in the
Change Style Drop-Down hack by FireFly... :kiss:
But I'm afraid to start a no-return way splashing in branches of templates to manage in many copies.
My board has now about +40 hacks installed, most of them involving templates. Many modified myself. And many many more planned to install in a near future. Of course, it should be better first install all of them before changing skins, but it isn't a good long-term policy, don't you agree ?
And if I had several copies, I had to mantain all of them in a parallel development.
Yes, I have installed even the
TBS (along with a lot of code/db scheduled backups), but backin-up is a safety issue, not a procedural one (even I found some problem in TBS restore feature, but... not here!).
As said, simply I would change colors and buttons and - perhaps - the forumhome template (classical framed-like homepage...)
What should be a correct checklist and sequence of operations (i.e. creating new style, new templateset, setting new colors, etc.) ???
Thanks a lot.