You can add '&include=1,2,3' to list the forums you want to include in the output. It looks like you need to list each sub forum as well.
Based on a quick look at the code (and not trying these at all), it looks like the possible parameters (when do=getnew) are: 'days', 'exclude', 'include', 'showposts', 'oldmethod', 'sortby', and 'noannounce'.
I know 'include' and 'exclude' are a comma separated list of forum ids.
The possible values for 'sortby' are: 'title', 'views', 'replycount', 'postusername', 'forum', and 'threadstart'.
I assume 'days' is the number of says to include, and 'showposts' is a boolean that shows posts instead of threads. I don't know what the other ones are.