Originally Posted by fwulfers
When logged in as a regular member, I can't seem to Edit or Delete my own ads. I checked in the Group permissions but there is no setting for something like "Can edit or delete own ads".
Settings (UserCP)-> My Classifieds. At the right side there is a droplist with the available options according to Ad's status
Originally Posted by fwulfers
Regardless of the maximum image size for uploaded images, the images in the lightbox are always the same size (about 600 px wide). I have my size set to 800 px but that doesn't show when going through the images in the actual classified.
I'll check it. It's first time using lightbox but the thumbviewer which Mary's was using is very old.
Originally Posted by fwulfers
I have added 9 custom fields and the Advanced Search screen is getting very wide and you have to scroll sideways to see them all. This is not a bug though and I am not sure how this can be improved without seeing all fields. Perhaps a Search side bar with all fields, and limited number of fields in the search result pane?
As I've wrote in a previous post I'll add switches to standard fields to turn them On/Off in searching. From that point I can't do something more. But there is a scrolling bar at the bottom. Also avoid to use a lot of extra searchable fields
Originally Posted by fwulfers
I am also having some formatting issues with my site themes/skins. Most of it is formatting all right except when browsing or searching. http://saabworld.net/classifieds.php?do=main&catid=2
Even when switching to a basic vBulletin theme with a few different colors, the headers for the Browse section remains the standard light blue.
I have moved all my ads from the old to this new system and no errors or other problems.
I'll check it, even if I'm not guru in design.