Originally Posted by kishorprins
It seems to be the logregister template. Since that is also being called, the CSS for the close element positioning is being set.
Right, the CSS you have to edit is the jqt_suite.css template (inside the CSS template list)
I managed (with some fiddling) to position the close image pretty accurately, though remember that a: the '<a class="close"></a>' is kept, as that is what the jQt script is polling for, b: you must keep the 'absolute' and c: any changes to the CSS will effect all three templates. (logout, markread and logreg).
Keeping that in mind I made changes along the lines of:
position:absolute; right:80px; bottom:25px;
Experiment and let me know.
p.s. reading back over this glased my eyes, if you understand it, you're a better person than me