Originally Posted by danicamps
Ted, Thank you for the quick reply. Is this something that I could use Helpful Threads for? Trying to eliminate any manual process as much as possible. When looking at Helpful Answers, I wasn't sure which mod would be best. The most important feature is to have users voting up or down on a thread - not necessarily the underlying posts and have that tallying (to where any vote on a post is not going to change the vote count of the thread). Am I correct in my thinking that using Helpful Answers, this is happening, but just not able to display on the forum home page?
Also, thank you for your continued work on the module - it is awesome, I'm just very new to VBulletin and trying to set up functionality very quickly.
HA is very much a post mod and voting takes place per post.
While you could certainly hack things around to show a thread vote, it's not designed to work per thread so if you want to accomplish that you're starting with a solid base but have a number of tweaks to make to limit voting, change the display places, and tally things up to a more useful way.