Originally Posted by Poker Face
I appreciate the follow-up, Ted S, but a little additional guidance would be very much appreciated!
If not by you, anyone that understands this advice, I would appreciate the additional guidance!
I'm assuming that once in the; Customize Template: helpful_answers screen, that I am looking for this:
PHP Code:
<div id="helpfulanswers_box_{vb:raw post.postid}" style="text-align:right;">
And if so, what would I add?
Thank-You in advance!
It depends on what you wish to do exactly and how. If you want to align something equal to another line you would float that line as well. If you want this to appear on top of other elements but not have space you would set the padding / margin to 0.
If css is new to you I highly suggest referring to a css tutorial such as the one at
http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp - while you can certainly find help around here, the more you want to customize, the more useful it is to know the basics yourself.