Originally Posted by danicamps
Hi, I think I may be trying to do the same thing as Radiofranky
My end goal is to have the total rank display on the forum display - the full list of threads. I have attached a screen shot for clarification, but essentially, I would like to have the total number of votes showing on the forum homepage in either the Replies/Views column or in the Title/Thread Starter Column.
Thank you in advance!
The difficulty here is that votes are stored on the post level, not thread, although the threadid is tracked. The easiest hack would be to query for each thread and get the count but that's terribly inefficient.
Thus you can either make a big modification and build a new thread coutner [which the next version of the mod will do] or be a little less crazy and just run a tally process via cron once a day or such. Really depends on your volume / desire to tweak around.
Neither is crazy complex but it's not changing a font color either...