Originally Posted by RTWAP
Site Name: Hockey Broads
URL: hockeybroads.com
Description: HockeyBroads is a hockey forum with an edge, covering the National Hockey League, and all other levels of hockey
Reason for Nomination: Eight custom skins, countless mods, and a fantastic community.
Originally Posted by FlowHRS
Site Name: Kwickfix.net - Enter the Dark World of Hacking
URL: www.Kwickfix.net
Description: Kwickfix is your entry into the dark world of hacking.
Reason for Nomination: We do it fur da LuLz ;_;
( Are forums are private as we are a hacking community, we have a test accoutn setup, User: Demo Pass: Demo2 )
Anyway, it's down completly - even pingin' it returns a false.
Originally Posted by jimsflies
Site Name: CaptiveReefs.com
URL: http://www.captivereefs.com
Description: reefkeeping community
Reason for Nomination: super modified vb site. Put a TON of work into it!
First of, i didn't belive this was a vB-Install. heavly moded install, and I'm sure, the vB Updates take a bit to install to get all those mods working again.
Originally Posted by TheWindows7Site
Site Name: Windows Community Forum
URL: http://www.WindowsCommunityForum.com
Description: Windows Community Forum is a forum dedicated to news, discussion and support for any and all Microsoft Windows products.
Reason for Nomination: Everything is custom. Custom logo. Great community for Windows related content, help and support.
+1, would do +2 if i could.
uhm, can i still nominate my own forums?
well, i'll give it a try.
Site Name: Lemrith - Die Stadt deiner Tr?ume
Url Lemrith.net
Description Lemrith is a Roleplay-themed forum. The Board is set in the virtual Town of Lemrith, the second largest City of the Kindom of Tha'n?ir. Here you can write your own Storiesand publish them (in the Libary of the Town) , play in various roleplays (in the theater, for sure.) or talk about what you want on the Marketplace.
The Forum is in german language, as the Site title indicates already.
Reason for Nomination Custom Skin, Dice-ability, moblie access with Tapatalk...