Originally Posted by Jman423
The "free version" was version 4.x.x, which IS compatible with vB versions prior to 4.0.7, but version 5.x.x, which is also known as the Pro version, is only compatible with vB 4.0.8 or newer. There is no paid version, if you read back through the thread, you will find that he released the Pro version for free, which is attached to his main post for download.
Oh ok I see, so how do I go about downloading the 'free' version instead of the 'pro' version, do you know?
Originally Posted by Jman423
I don't have this problem, and I am an administrator in a non-standard usergroup (not usergroup 6).
I can access the settings as the main admin of the forum but my other administrator cannot, any idea how to troubleshoot this?