Thanks for the offer of help. Cleared the cache - same error. Here's the DB error I'm getting;
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.5:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT cms_article.contentid, cms_article.previewimage as image, cms_node.contentid, cms_node.userid, cms_nodeinfo.nodeid, cms_article.pagetext as preview, cms_node.nodeid, cms_node.parentnode,
cms_nodeinfo.title, cms_node.url FROM cms_article as cms_article
INNER JOIN cms_node as cms_node ON (cms_node.contentid = cms_article.contentid AND cms_node.contenttypeid = 24) INNER JOIN cms_nodeinfo as cms_nodeinfo ON cms_nodeinfo.nodeid = cms_node.nodeid
where cms_node.issection <> '1' AND cms_node.setpublish = 1
AND cms_node.parentnode IN (5)
ORDER BY cms_node.viewcount DESC LIMIT 0, 5;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'cms_node.viewcount' in 'order clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Saturday, August 20th 2011 @ 10:14:46 AM
Error Date : Saturday, August 20th 2011 @ 10:14:47 AM
Script : http://www.*******.com/content.php/5-News
Referrer : http://www.********.com/content.php
IP Address : ***************
Username : ******
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.58-community-log