Originally Posted by perfphysio
I agree, I am also watching with keen interest.
I have one question on currency. Can the user select a currency symbol that can be different for their own listing. e.g. USA in USD, UK in Sterling (?), Europe in Euro etc. Whilst this is not useful for searching on a plain number, it is useful for global community forums whose members are all over the world.
Well.... a brief message on how I'm planing to make currencies work. In Mary's version the user has the ability to set a price as number eg 10,000 and besides in another field to write the currency eg Kr. This was usefull for the poster but confused a lot the visitors. Imagine to see a listing of 10 only Ads each one in different currency. In your mind should be difficult to make calculations so you can see which is cheaper. That's why my mod will works with one only currency. This is the first step that I did. The second is to give again the seller the ability to post on his own currency, but should be a real time calculation to show the Ad to visitors in the default currency. Only when the user clicks on "Buy now" (when the online payments will be implement), only then he will see the sellers currency, but this is ok as it will be equaivalent to the price that he has in mind.