3 days in now. Just so you can gauge the eCPM and revenue you may expect to make:
Originally Posted by Morrus
$3.12 for a day? How large is your board? Just trying to get a comparison to mine to estimate what sort of revenue I'd be looking at. At $3.12 per day, it's not even worth downloading the file. 
Well, my boards are fairly active (around 2500~ users online at all time - guests and members). Receiving around 20K uniques a day at the moment. You can say it's not worth the download for $3-$5 a day but that's $3-$5 a day you would be missing out on, no catch, purely out of laziness - people will be filing in those captcha's wether you're running this mod or not.
I've seen lower bot registration rates with this also.
I'm contemplating taking this network wide. That's around $10 a day I wasn't receiving before at no extra hassle.