Originally Posted by v123shine
Thank you so much BirdOPrey5 for help and respone my question.
Yap, i mean by date of the post.
--------------- Added [DATE]1313418565[/DATE] at [TIME]1313418565[/TIME] ---------------
Dear BirdOPrey5, i already try hundreds time, but still cant work
================================================== =
My new question is:
I want show image or image can view by all member (guest, register member, moderator, admin) if the post date above 1 March 2011.
If post date below the 1st of March 2011, all member can't view image.
Please help me!
OK well first you need the unix timestamp for that date. Since it's a static date that isn't changing we can get the actual timestamp rather than generate it with PHP-
I googled Unix Timestamp and the very first link was a calculator:
The timestamp for 0:0:00 hours on March 1, 2011 is:
Therefore for your conditionals you will simply compare $post['dateline'] to the timestamp...
PHP Code:
if ($post['dateline'] < 1298959200) //If the date is less than March 1, 2011
//run your code