Originally Posted by Antique-Swords
Superb, thank you.
But is there any way to get rid of the space consuming "(facebook icon) Sign Up to see what your friends like."?
It's different depending on whether you are a facebook member and how many people like it. so you really shouldn't be changing the size. I suggest using the button-count style if you don't like the spacing on the "standard" button.
If you want to edit the size anyway edit the more_share_options template... find the code:
<vb:if condition="$vboptions['bop5more_fbtype'] == 1">
<fb:like href="{vb:raw bophref}" font="tahoma" layout="standard" send="false" show_faces="false" width="260" action="like" colorscheme="{vb:raw boplord}"></fb:like>
and change the width to whatever you want.