I think he is saying he needs a hack which will have a button, say next to the "reply" button in a thread, that sayes "give thanks" or something of that nature. When they press that, it auto replies with "thank you" instead of having users to type it in a new reply. I can see why this may be good for boards that say, display deals for products and alot of people reply with thank you.
So I could click thank you, and it would add my reply with the words "thanks" to the message.
Oh and just a suggestion for the creator of this thread, why not go to say.. babelfish, and translate from your native language to english, so that way you can be more detailed and have a more accurate description of what you need. Check out babelfish at
http://babelfish.altavista.com (it is a free translator that will let you type in your language and output it to english)