Originally Posted by Lynne
They just show the basics, so you will need to supply the code.
That's the problem. I can't code
Think if I copy and paste the php codes from vbadvanced module
Like this one
PHP Code:
// ++=========================================================================++
// || vBadvanced CMPS v4.1.1 (vB 4.0 - 4.1) - 4320
// || ?2003-2011 vBadvanced.com - All Rights Reserved
// || This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part.
// || http://vbadvanced.com
// || Downloaded 18:04, Thu Aug 11th 2011
// || 185204320_407928107622
// ++ ========================================================================++
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_calendar.php');
$admincpdir =& $vbulletin->config['Misc']['admincpdir'];
$modcpdir =& $vbulletin->config['Misc']['modcpdir'];
if (can_moderate(0, 'canmoderateattachments'))
$attachments = $db->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "attachment WHERE state = 'moderation'");
$attachments['count'] = vb_number_format($attachments['count']);
$show['attachments'] = true;
if (can_moderate() AND can_moderate_calendar())
$events = $db->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "event WHERE visible = 0");
$events['count'] = vb_number_format($events['count']);
$show['events'] = true;
$users = $db->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE usergroupid = 4");
$users['count'] = vb_number_format($users['count']);
if (can_moderate(0, 'canmoderateposts'))
$show['posts'] = true;
$show['threads'] = true;
if (can_moderate(0, 'canmoderatevisitormessages'))
$show['visitormessage'] = true;
$moditems = array();
$getmoderation = $db->query_read("SELECT type FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "moderation WHERE type != 'groupmessage'");
while ($moderation = $db->fetch_array($getmoderation))
$moditems['reply'] = vb_number_format($moditems['reply']);
$moditems['thread'] = vb_number_format($moditems['thread']);
$moditems['visitormessage'] = vb_number_format($moditems['visitormessage']);
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('vba_cmps_module_moderate')) ? eval($hook) : false;
$templater = vB_Template::create('adv_portal_moderation');
$templater->register('admincpdir', $admincpdir);
$templater->register('attachments', $attachments);
$templater->register('bgclass', $bgclass);
$templater->register('events', $events);
$templater->register('modcpdir', $modcpdir);
$templater->register('moditems', $moditems);
$templater->register('template_hook', $template_hook);
$templater->register('users', $users);
$home["$mods[modid]"]['content'] = $templater->render();
and add widget as php direct evaluation.
would it work?