what is VB max concurrent online users limits with only one server??
Hi All
We are running a large forum with 2000-4000 user online all the time.
356,034 threads and 1,578,782 posts
our server spec: 8 CPUs, 16G RAM
is our server hardware limited the max concurrent online users? as we have difficulty to handle over 2000 online users.
when online user hit 2000, mysql showing 400-700% CPU load, and entire server stop responding any web request.
anyone seeing same size vbulletin forum? what is the server spec?
is that a mysql optimize issue? or hardware limitation?
finally, we are planning to run a vbulletin forums which can handle 100ks user online all the time. is that possible with VB? what kind of the server hardware structure we need?
many thanks