Can someone write a custom BB code or mod that allows for the use of embedding of Bing maps ( into forum posts?
I know there are mods that do it for google maps but I prefer the birdseye view in bing maps.
Here are some sample codes/links that bing maps spits out for "Baltimore, MD".
<div id="mapviewer"><iframe id="map" scrolling="no" width="500" height="400" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe><div id="LME_maplinks" style="line-height:20px;"><a id="LME_largerMap" href="" target="_blank" style="margin:0 7px">View Larger Map</a><a id="LME_directions" href="" target="_blank" style="margin:0 7px">Driving Directions</a></div></div>