I'm trying to install the June 13, 2011 version on vB 4.1.5 PL2 (on a Windows IIS server).
The product installs fine. The microcart portion of the AdminCP appears normally. The "General Options" portion loads and saves my changes.
Both the "Categories" and the "Product & Services" segments, however, return the following error:
PHP Parse error: parse error in D:\www\ . . . \admincp\microcart_admin.php on line 2780
I need help. Nothing I've tried will make this portion of the script run. The store displays fine (so far), but I can't add categories or products. The usergroup permissions part works fine.
Second question (possibly related to the first):
I don't understand what is being asked of me in \microcart\editor\assetmanager\settings.php
I don't know how to edit it, what answers to give, because I don't understand what it's asking me. What ARE "$sBase0, $sBase1, $sBase2, $sBase3"?