Originally Posted by socialteenz
How can display an image instead of text after the selection of mood
Replace the contents of the vmoods template with the following
<li id="vmoods_list" class="popupmenu">
<a href="javascript://" class="popupctrl">{vb:phrase vmoods_my_mood} <img id="vmoods-mine" src="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/vmoods/{vb:raw vboptions.vmoods_icon_set}/{vb:var bbuserinfo.vmood}.gif" /></a>
<ul id="vmoods" class="popupbody popuphover" style="height:125px;overflow:auto;">
<vb:each from="vmoods_list" value="mood">
<li class="{vb:var mood}"><a class="vmood" href="index.php?" title="{vb:var mood}">{vb:var mood}</a></li>
No good - just throws up the image in the sub menu and messes up the text around it. But thanks for the chance to try it out. It's actually in the drop down menu I'd like the images to appear.