Easy question - Upgrade from 4.1.4 to 4.1.5
I'm not that experienced with doing upgrades. But I do know how to use Filezilla to get my my forums area.
So I want to upgrade from 4.1.4 to 4.1.5.
1. I downloaded the patch from the members area. The patch was two files
2. I used FileZilla and when into my forum area and found the these files and renamed then:
Class_Core.php I made into Class_Core_old_8_8_11.php
Version_vbulletin.php I made into Version_vbulletin_old_8_8_11.php
*** I did this just in case I screwed it up, and I could fall back....
3. I copied the files new file over to the Includes directory where the old files were.
4. I did a Ctrl-F5, and nothing changes. I still see 4.1.4 at the bottom of the page. Why did n't this work?