Originally Posted by kingMOB
Very nice mod =)
Only problems are the latin characters not showing properly and the fact that if I enable it to all users the server is taken down due to hundreds of stream connections (mysql) and an apache full of "Sending Reply" connections =(
Apache should be able to handle over 1k active connections without much trouble on even moderate server hardware. Mysql will hold more connections open currently (1 per user active in the chat), but with some tuning the extra connections shouldn't be a big deal. We are looking into options to try and see about avoiding having to maintain a mysql connection open for each stream but thats a bit tricky and has all kinds of other complications we are looking into solving. Ideally we can come up with a fix for this without stressing the filesystem, and without requiring memcache.
The character issue for now we can't do a whole lot about it right the second, but we will look into options as we have time after the next major update.