How do you make it so the link text is blue and the link still is underlined. I played around with editing this CSS but my lack of skills didn't figure it out.
Also, I just upgraded the plugin and I have an issue that I was hoping by upgrading would fix. As I had this issue before too.
here is an example.
I wrote this ...
I am testing out some stuff in regards to Uncharted 2. I love battlefield 3 and hate how Modern Warfare 2 turned out. I am also hungry as shit and waiting for a pizza to made in the oven.
and this is what it churned out.
I am testing out some stuff in regards to Modern Warfare 2 turned out. I am also hungry as shit and waiting for a pizza to made in the oven.
each game reference should be linked, as you can see it botched it up and only left one game reference in there. ie. linked.