A lot of people have been pm'ing me with requests for customization and additions to this mod. I appreciate the requests and offers for donations but I am having some real life issues that take a front burner right now. I lost my job, about ready to lose my home and although it may seem I would have the time I need to try to get my life back on track.
Once everything is back up to speed I will come back with some changes and additions and as always would love the donations. I will provide this update, version 2.0.0 which adds a few additions but you will have to find them and post back if you like the changes.
Note: Please hold off on the PM's until I can get back into the swing. Boofo and a few others have been very helpful on this mod and most answers are already posted here. This mod is very, very easy to install, just read the instructions I supplied and you won't have any problems.