i use cdn
0 custom icons added.
0 imageprefixes for forums found.
Processing post icons.
14 post icons found.
116 icon candidates added.
/home/xxxxxx/domains/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/images/styles/ShinyBlue/statusicon/forum_new_lock-16.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/xxxxx/domains/pctuts.be/public_html/images/styles/ShinyBlue/statusicon/forum_old_lock-16.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/xxxxxx/domains/pctuts.be/public_html/images/styles/ShinyBlue/buttons/search_rtl.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-213-main.png.
91 icons added.
Creating sprite (width:1000px height:116px).
Sprite saved, updating css-rules.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-213-main_rtl.png.
90 icons added.
Creating sprite (width:1000px height:116px).
Sprite saved, updating css-rules.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-213-forumdisplay.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-213-forumdisplay_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-213-forumhome.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-213-forumhome_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-213-showthread.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-213-showthread_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.